Hallows’ Eve holds no fears.

That the dead

Are clamouring at the gaunt midnight cloth

That separates from is and was;

Bleak, imagined graves ripe with corpse worms,


And unrequited life,

Hold no terrors.


Their thin music of nails on glass,

Sadness leaking, like a tap.

Their skull rolling forward like

A coal in the grate

Extinguishing the flame so the room is cupped

In thick, mauve darkness.


Hold no fright.



It is the haunted, dragged footstep of living,

Every day;

To be a spectre in your own macabre skin,

That seizes your

Fibrillating grume of heart

In a grip as chill as a bone white slab

fat with frozen veins of dank blood,


Stuffs your mouth

Until- you-cannot-breathe.


Hallows Eves holds no fears.


To daily live,

But not, to breathe.

This is where

The fear gets in;

To feel haunted in your own skin.




Dan Belton 31/10/2019 Hallowe’en