Posts tagged ‘omens’

I am the Road Crow (an Omen)

Black sky rip

Bin bag in your sight

Can’t believe your eyes at

My jag mask;

Dreck taking flight.


Limping fright wig


Weather clap winged –


Black rubber-a-tumble

Bowl and roll straggle

The punctured gasoline blue tyre;

A ragged oscillation.


Crooning invert.

Puddle breathed.

Tarmac is my sky.


Street corner inspector;

Dog shit lifter,

Swag bag




The dark twin

Of a laugh;

The bonfire


in the storm.


Beer skittle hopped.


Wind wobbled on


Darkling milk.

Devil’s bottle.

Kazoo necked.

Corpse-gas bellied.

Shaped for ruin –

Formed in the shadow of

The end of days becoming



I am this.


I am other.



And thatch.


Egg pith pitted.

Cafard yolked.


No trees for me.

I beat wings of antipathy

Beat the bounds:




I squat like roof slate –

Cloud of Grim.

Garret voiced.

Acid battered umbra,

Purple shade

Mustard eye

Custard eyed




What have we done

What have you done

What have you not have done?


Dan Belton                                                                          3/10/2019

Nothing like the diastrophism

The first time I wept publically was

In the dark in a Melbourne picture palace

To the bits in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Where Miss Golightly chucks the

‘no name’ slob cat out the cab.

She, cruel enough, or fortunate enough

To heighten this dramatic impact by making

Sure it’s raining too.

Sometime ago my Melbourne hosts

Telephoned me at work

To see if I was dead,

Which is frowned upon by my employer’s.

Not the me being possibly dead,

But the phonecall.

“I’m just fine, Russ” I rushed..

“Well, there’s the divorce and I have

Acute Situational Disorder, but I’m disagreeably not dead.

Why do you ask?”

“Strewth! The painting we bought off you…

The self-portrait oil painting with mixed media

Stuck on beer label and fag-packet?

It’s about 9pm here and it just fell, no, jumped off the wall…”

“?” I questioned…

“? !” he exclaimed.

“Over here in Oz, mate, it’s a portent, an omen…

A sign of death!

“Well, over here it must just mean life

Is going on just as shittily as ever, maybe with garnish.”

And, he relieved, me feeling a little cheated,

We chatted for a few more moments until my boss’

Telekinesis made me place the ‘phone back in it’s cradle.

Now, vaccuming carpets,

I life the lid to place some beach shoes in a foot stool


Stars burst, teeth mousetrap together and

I yell out and turn to see who has crept into the flat

And brained me over the skull with a lead pipe

In an attempt at a poor burglary,

And find a heavy wooden metaphorical picture

Of that same divorce, the ex and I burning in the pink flames

Of a rather less metaphorical hell,

Has jumped from the wall and walloped me, like a cartoon rolling pin.

Unlike their shilly-shallying Antipodean cousins,

English portents and omens carry some weight.

I don’t know much about luck,

Who fortune decides to favour,

But after this I wobbled up to the Co-op with

Small stars shooting from my fontanelle,

To buy some breakfast smoked back bacon,

And near Hallowe’en, an impulse buy

My hand reaches out and grabs a pumpkin as

The elastic waistband of my snaps,

Is as loose as a noose without a corpse.

Juggling a 4 kg squash proves uneasy.

Obviously it’s a day of domestic disasters,

(I am now looking for a small but vital part of the Hoover in a dustbin)

Small ones though,

Nothing like the diastrophism

Of great passions turned fleet and sour.

And for the moments she has won,

It is difficult not to cast your mind back to your ex

When there is an egg on your head to rival a cuckoo,

And you are trying to tear open aspirin with your teeth

And wonder

If there is another chap out there

Looking at what portent walks by his side,

With the wrong person’s heart embroidered

On the romance of his arm.

Dan Belton 18/10/12

Written on a quick whim after a small run of domestic bad luck.